Florin Flueras' work expands into spheres of politics, philosophy, spirituality, health care, media, education, literature – affecting conventions and certainties, producing performative meetings between art and its outside, through entities like Artwork, Unsorcery, Clinica, Black Hyperbox, Postspectacle, Art Opening. In his recent work Unexperiences, Unimages, Unhere, Love he introduces in public spaces presences and states that can affect what underlies the conceptual and perceptual, what is possible to think, see and feel. In certain prestigious art events, his works appear uninvited – Unofficial Unworks. More than visual or conceptual, Florin sees his recent practice as affect art. He has shown at MAB FAAP Sao Paulo, DEPO Istanbul, Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw, Jardim Equatorial Sao Paulo, Fabrica de Pensule Cluj, MUMOK Kino Vienna, HAU Berlin, TQW Vienna, Karas Zagreb, Suprainfinit Bucharest, MNAC Bucharest, Salonul de Proiecte Bucharest, Berardo Museum Lisbon, Aleppo Brussels, Hordaland Kunstsenter Bergen, Akademie Solitude Stuttgart, Europalia Brussels, Swimming Pool Sofia, Bozar Brussels, Buda Kortrijk, Centrale Fies, WOK Warsaw, Matter of Art Prague Biennale…

"A sleepless night in the cave. I had the impression that I found what is the common thread in my work. Working at the edges of art. Exiting representation, "things to get real." Creating conditions for the intersection of two colliding perspectives, realities. Meetings between art and its outside. Confronting the art bubble and the life bubble. Overlapping two realities, exposing and affecting the conventions and certainties of both. Meetings that produce turbulence in reality, zones of possibility, openings. Looking at things as performance and as life, at the same time. The dynamic of two types of attention, two types of situations, two types of audience, two types of performers, two degrees of performing, two levels of reality. Creating formats that make possible meta perspectives, and open the possibility for different affects and capacities." (note 2021 October 28, Praia das Fontainhas) 

"When you assume a degree of misalignment, any "negative" about the art world can become a "positive". When you're not embraced by art institutions, it's an invitation to expand elsewhere – who needs art venues when you can perform directly on a national television or in a presidential campaign – Postspectacle. If you don't like the art world you can create your own – with Alina Popa, we proposed artworks as artworlds: Unsorcery, Black Hyperbox, Clinica. You can do art openings in parks, airports, supermarkets, museums and at home – Art Opening – temporary zones of possibility, art openings at the levels of formats, contents and aesthetics. Or you can deviate from even deeper norms like those of art being object, image, sound, video, conceptual or social based – Unexperiences, Unimages, Unhere, Collapse Yoga, Love are affect based. And, maybe also because of these deviations, if there are no invitations to present in important art venues, the mentioned (un)works can appear uninvited, ignoring all the protocols and gates of access – Unofficial Unworks. Or you can abandon the idea of presentation, and just practice artworks because art shouldn't just be seen, it should be practiced, lived – Artwork." (note 2023 March 17, Bucharest) 

Contact: florinflueras@gmail.com